2022 public goals

A new year and I’m already late to define my public goals.

Last year I completely lost track of my progress and goals. Work took me a lot of time and I stopped almost every activity, even writing on this blog. Nevertheless I believe that setting my public goals and trying to keep track of them was a great activity. I became more productive and achieved more than without it.

It took me 3 months this year to define my 2022 goals, but I still believe that it will be useful.

Goals for 2022:

  1. Keep writing down my projects and researches in this blog;
  2. Keep reading, listening and writing in English;
  3. Have all my photos from Japan edited. Have some of them at Shutterstock;
  4. Have Home Assistant fully functional at my new home;
  5. Try again to learn to write in Arduino and make some DIY projects;
  6. Study programming, data science and machine learning;
  7. Do periodical physical exercises;
  8. Meditate;
  9. Keep reading books;
  10. Avoid getting involved with Work;
  11. Do (small) courses/projects related to Work.

Again, I have some private goals, which I won’t make public.

1. Keep writing down my projects

While I could keep writing here, it was a great pleasure. Organizing my ideas and writing them down helped me learning new skills and writing in english.

I’m back to work, so I’ll make easier for me. Instead of 1 post per week, I’ll try to write 2 posts per month (1 every 2 weeks)

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: once every 2 weeks, at least
How: writing this blog

2. Keep reading, listening and writing in English

I had a huge improvement on my english last year. Working using english and writing this blog made a huge improvement on it. I want to try keep my english as it is (or better, of course).

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: at least 3 times a week listening and reading; at least once every 2 weeks writing
How: listening podcasts, reading news on the internet and writing this blog

3. Have all my photos (from Japan) edited 

My last year goal of editing all my photos was quite too much difficult. I’m trying to make this goal more feasible.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: 1 hour per week
How: editing on Lightroom

4. Have Home Assistant fully functional at my new home

This was one of those goals that were easily accomplished. This year the automations are going to be much more complex and difficult, but I still believe that I can complete them.

Start and ending period: starting now until July
How often: as often as possible
How: studying, editing and implementing devices

5. (Try again to) learn how to write in Arduino

I’ll have to study everything again to try to implement some Arduino automations.

I plan to implement 2 devices until the end of the year.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: when possible.
How: creating projects for home automation

6. Study programming, data science and machine learning

Last year this wasn’t a goal. If it were, I certainly would have accomplished it. This year I want to keep studying it and implementing on every corner of my life.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: 2 hour a week at least.
How: programming using Python and Javascript

7. Physical exercises

I did exercise for the first 3 months of the year. After that I got lazy and stopped at all. I’ll try to get back to the exercises.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: 3 times a week for at least 45 minutes each
How: Ashtanga Yoga
and Lian Gong Shi Ba Fa

8. Meditate

Meditating was a great activity while it last. I want to keep doing it.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: 3 times a week
How: try different sort of meditation styles until finding one that fits me better

9. Keep reading books

My goal for the last year was quite ambitious, 24 books in one year is quite a lot for me. I couldn’t accomplish it, but I still read 21 books and I am very happy with it. As I said last year, reading is a pleasant moment in my life and 2021 was a great year on this matter.

This year I’ll set a goal more doable.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: daily
How: read 12 books this year or 1 book every month

9. Avoid getting involved with Work

I have a terrible habit of getting too much involved with work. It’s not a healthy thing to do, so I’m trying a “let it go” thing with it.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: remember every week if I’m being able to keep my goal
How: not getting worried if things doesn’t work out

10. Do (small) courses/projects related to work

It’s a weird goal, specially after saying that I’m trying to avoid getting involved with Work.

What I’m trying to accomplish is to get involved with my Work study program doing courses like e-Gov, programming and others not directly related with what I do subjects.

Start and ending period: starting now until the end of the year
How often: 1 course per month
How: subscribing on the available

2021 goals: Conclusion and Achievements

At the end of January I set my goals for 2021 looking for a more productive year. This is my conclusion report.

You can check those progress reports:

  1. 2021 goals: January progress
  2. 2021 goals: February progress
  3. 2021 goals: March progress
  4. 2021 goals: April progress
  5. 2021 goals: July progress

2021 goals

  1. Write down my projects and researches in this blog;
  2. Be able to have a daily conversation in Japanese;
  3. Have all my photos edited. Have some of them at Shutterstock;
  4. Have Home Assistant fully functional at home with some automations concluded;
  5. Have a NAS server running with all our data organized;
  6. Learn to write in Arduino and make some DIY projects;
  7. Do periodical physical exercises;
  8. Meditate;
  9. Read more books.

Overall Review

I completely lost track of my progress and goals. Work took me a lot of time and I stopped almost every activity, even writing on this blog. The last post evaluating my progress was on July.

Overall, I definitely think that the idea of making a public goal was great. Not only I had to create goals, but also I had to review them regularly. Even with my lack of continuity, I believe that writing down the goals showed me that I must also improve on that.

I will write down on every goal what went wrong and what should I do in 2022.

What I could do better next year?

Do it all over again and try to close more goals.

Write down my projects and researches in this blog

I haven’t write this amount of posts for a long time. I completed only 15 posts of 48, but it’s better than nothing. I’m thinking of renew this goal for 2022 and keep this number of posts as goal. I really would like to produce more content on the future.

Goal for this month: 4 posts
Achieved this month: 1/4 (25%)
Total achieved: 15/48 (31.25%)

Be able to have a daily conversation in Japanese

I didn’t study Japanese this year. Overall, my Japanese skills have improved a lot this year, but that happened due to the necessity of living in Japan. I don’t think that I’ll use Japanese like I have to use now, but I want to keep studying it. Maybe for the next year I create a goal less ambitious.

Goal for this month: 6 hours
Achieved this month: 0/24 (0%)
Total achieved: 0/288 (0%)

Have all my photos edited. Have some of them at Shutterstock

I’ll keep this goal and I do believe that I can accomplish it next year.

Goal for this month: 0 hours
Achieved this month: 0/0 (%)
Total achieved: 0/344 (0%)

Have Home Assistant fully functional at home with some automations concluded

I’ll mark it as completed. After the beginning of the year, I didn’t have any trouble with my automations. Next year, I’ll have to create new automations, so I’ll recreate this goal for 2022.

Total achieved: 100%

Have a NAS server running with all our data organized

This is one of my very old projects that finally is done. I’m happy with it and I don’t believe that I’ll have to update that soon.

Total achieved: 100%

Learn to write in Arduino and make some DIY projects

Definitely I’ll have new projects that will demand automations. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to create them using Arduino, but I think that will also keep it.

Goal for this year: 6 project
Total achieved: 0/6 (0%)

Do periodical physical exercises

I gained 12 kg this year. My health was great while doing the exercises. I’ll surely renew this goal.

Goal for this month: 12 days
Achieved this month: 0/12 (0.0%)
Total achieved: 17/120 (14.16%)


I was doing great at the beginning of the year. Meditate is a very old project of mine. I failed this year, but I’ll try again.

Goal for this month: 12 days
Achieved this month: 0/12 (0%)
Total achieved: 21/120 (17.5%)

Read more books

I read a lot of books this year. I couldn’t accomplish my goal, but it was close and I’m really help with it. Next year I think that I’ll renew this goal, but with less books.

Goal for this month: 2 books
Achieved this month: 0/2 (0%)
Total achieved: 21/24 (29.16%)

Bonus activities

  1. I learned a LOT of Python, Pandas and Plotly. I also learned a good amount of data science, enough to understand that there a lot more to study and learn. Programming wasn’t a goal this year, but I really make a huge difference on my daily routine and in my life. Programming is a very old project that was left behind and even without being listed in 2021, it sucked a great amount of energy and hours.