2021 goals: March progress

At the end of January I set my goals for 2021 looking for a more productive year. This is my March progress report.

You can check those progress reports:

  1. 2021 goals: January progress
  2. 2021 goals: February progress

2021 goals

  1. Write down my projects and researches in this blog;
  2. Be able to have a daily conversation in Japanese;
  3. Have all my photos edited. Have some of them at Shutterstock;
  4. Have Home Assistant fully functional at home with some automations concluded;
  5. Have a NAS server running with all our data organized;
  6. Learn to write in Arduino and make some DIY projects;
  7. Do periodical physical exercises;
  8. Meditate;
  9. Read more books.

Overall Review

Many things had stopped this month. I didn’t study Japanese at all, my Yoga activities are on hold and, I didn’t begin to edit my photos and my reading slowed down.

In the opposite direction, I keep writing a lot of drafts for my blog, and I’ve been learning a LOT of SQL, Python, Bash, and how to deal with data.

The decision of halting some activities and focus on others were well though, so I don’t feel sad for the exchange. I believe that this “phase” will last for more 1 or 2 months, and then I’ll be able to resume my goals.

What I could do better in April?

Avoid postponing my Yoga. Yoga is a activity that I must do to avoid pain.

Write down my projects and researches in this blog

Goal for this month: 4 posts
Achieved this month: 4/4 (100%)
Total achieved: 10/49 (20.4%)

Be able to have a daily conversation in Japanese

As I said on my overall review, it’s on halt.

Goal for this month: 6 hours
Achieved this month: 0/24 (0%)
Total achieved: 0/288 (0%)

Have all my photos edited. Have some of them at Shutterstock

This activity is also on halt.

Goal for this month: 0 hours
Achieved this month: 0/0 (%)
Total achieved: 0/344 (0%)

Have Home Assistant fully functional at home with some automations concluded

New devices shall be implemented in the forthcoming months and further modifications will be done. I just don’t tick it as complete because there’s always something else to implement or edit.

Total achieved: 90%

Have a NAS server running with all our data organized

My setup is done and nowadays I have a LOT of cronjobs running every day/hour. I’ll talk about them in other posts.

Total achieved: 100%

Learn to write in Arduino and make some DIY projects

This activity is also on halt, despite my readings of DIY projects sometime.

Goal for this year: 6 project
Total achieved: 0/6 (0%)

Do periodical physical exercises

Goal for this month: 12 days
Achieved this month: 4/12 (33.3%)
Total achieved: 17/120 (14.16%)


Goal for this month: 12 days
Achieved this month: 12/12 (100%)
Total achieved: 21/120 (17.5%)

Read more books

I completed the Red Rising Saga. I began reading the 4th book (Iron Gold). I also began reading Data Science from Scratch from Joel Grus and Philosophy 101 from Paul Kleinman.

I’m not sure if I’ll complete any of these books until the end of the month, so I won’t count it now.

Goal for this month: 2 books
Achieved this month: 1/2 (50%)
Total achieved: 7/24 (29.16%)

Bonus activities

  1. Our printer now can send scanned pdf by e-mail or save it on the NAS Server. I also have automated OCRmyPDF to automatically OCR the scanned PDF’s that are saved on the NAS Server.
  2. I also automated Tesseract to scan a folder on the server for image files to OCR it. It’s very convenient for be because I’ve been working with a lot of images that must be typed.
  3. I implemented a script to backup and auto-forward e-mails from a Exchange mail server that we have to work with.
  4. I optimized my script for web scraping WTO and some japanese websites create daily reports if anything changes.
  5. I’ve been working with the web scraping data in SQLite (because it’s easier) and trying to create charts and reports using Metabase and Python.