If you have a script (jar, py, or whatever) or a software that you need to run as a service and also if you need it to start automatically if/when system restarts, you can follow the instructions bellow.
I’ll show 2 examples of my own: Tabula and Archivebox. They all run on my Ubuntu Server VM.
Step 1 – Create a service
Create a service at “/etc/systemd/system”. You name it and use the text editor of your preference.
I’m using “nano” and named them “tabula.service” and “archivebox.service“.
For Tabula
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tabula.service
Edit your file. You can use my code bellow, changing as necessary.
Note that lines beginning with a # are comments and your computer won’t execute them. You can delete them if you like. I also kept how I used in my case.
Code language: PHP (php)
For Archivebox
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/archivebox.service
Edit your file. You can use my code bellow, changing as necessary.
Note that lines beginning with a # are comments and your computer won’t execute them. You can delete them if you like. I also kept how I used in my case.
Code language: PHP (php)
Step 2 – Create bash script to call your service
You must create now a bash script.
I’m using again “nano” as a editor. Notice that I’m not using “sudo” and I’m creating the script where I defined on the “.service” above.
For Tabula
nano /home/fsugi/tabula/tabula
Edit your file. You can use my code bellow, changing as necessary.
Note that lines beginning with a # are comments and your computer won’t execute them. You can delete them if you like. I also kept how I used in my case.
/usr/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -Xms256M -Xmx1024M -Dwarbler.port=1111 -jar /home/fsugi/tabula/tabula.jar
Code language: PHP (php)
For Archivebox
nano /home/fsugi/archivebox/archivebox
Edit your file. You can use my code bellow, changing as necessary.
Note that lines beginning with a # are comments and your computer won’t execute them. You can delete them if you like. I also kept how I used in my case.
/usr/bin/archivebox server
Code language: PHP (php)
Step 3 – Start service
Every time that you change a service, you must first reload them.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
To test (or start) your service (I’m using tabula as example):
sudo systemctl start tabula.service
Code language: CSS (css)
To stop your service:
sudo systemctl stop tabula.service
Code language: CSS (css)
To enable your service to automatically load on start-up:
sudo systemctl enable tabula.service
Code language: CSS (css)
To disable your service to automatically load on start-up:
sudo systemctl disable tabula.service
Code language: CSS (css)
To check the status of your service:
sudo systemctl status tabula.service
Code language: CSS (css)
It’s always good to check the status of your service while setting it up to identify errors.
Additional – Logging
If you want to check all the log for your service (I’m using the tabula.service):
sudo journalctl --unit=tabula.service
You can tail the live log using the -f option:
sudo journalctl -f -u tabula.service
Code language: CSS (css)
Use -n <# of lines> to view specified number of lines of log
sudo journalctl -f -n 1000 -u tabula.service
Code language: CSS (css)