2022 goals: July progress

On April I set my goals for 2022 looking for a more productive year. This is my 2st progress report.

Follow up

2022 goals

  1. Keep writing down my projects and researches in this blog;
  2. Keep reading, listening and writing in English;
  3. Have all my photos from Japan edited. Have some of them at Shutterstock;
  4. Have Home Assistant fully functional at my new home;
  5. Try again to learn to write in Arduino and make some DIY projects;
  6. Study programming, data science and machine learning;
  7. Do periodical physical exercises;
  8. Meditate;
  9. Keep reading books;
  10. Avoid getting involved with Work;
  11. Do (small) courses/projects related to Work.
  12. Study for new jobs available

Overall Review

I added a new goal “study for new job opportunities available”. I’ll drop my goal number 11, but I’ll keep track of it.

What I could do better in August?

Things are finally warming up and some activities began.

What I could do better in August?

July has been a hell of a month. I’ve been working a LOT again due to being in charge of my sector and

Write down my projects and researches in this blog

Goal for this month: 2 posts
Achieved this month: 1/2 (50%)
Total achieved: 3/24 (8.33%)

Keep reading, listening and writing in English;

I’ve been listening a lot of content in English, but I’m almost not writing anything. I think that I’ll start to write my notes in English. I’ll cheat this month saying that I achieved 100% on this task because I truly consumed a lot of English content.

Goal for this month: 12 times listening and reading; 8 times writing
Achieved this month: 12/12 (100%)
Total achieved: 24/144 (8,33%)

Have all my photos (from Japan) edited

I didn’t begin that yet.

Goal for this month: 4 hours
Achieved this month: 0/0 (%)
Total achieved: 0/48 (0%)

Have Home Assistant fully functional at my new home

Home Assistant isn’t working yet, but that’s due to network limitations. Despite of that, others automations were implemented and are working quite well.

Total achieved: 70%

(Try again to) learn how to write in Arduino

On halt until I have my office fully functional.

Total achieved: 0%

Study programming, data science and machine learning

I’m reading and studying a lot of programming and data science.

Goal for this month: 8 hours
Achieved this month: 4/8 (50%)
Total achieved: 48/96 (37.5%)

Do periodical physical exercises

I began doing some exercises but stopped due to work.

Goal for this month: 12 days
Achieved this month: 3/12 (16.6%)
Total achieved: 2/120 (1.06%)


3 sessions only, must improve it.

Goal for this month: 12 days
Achieved this month: 3/12 (25%)
Total achieved: 3/120 (2.5%)

Avoid getting involved with Work

Certainly I can say that I had 4 weeks full of stress.

Goal for this month: 4 stress free weeks
Achieved this month: 0/4 (50%)
Total achieved: 20/48 (37.5%)

Keep reading books

I’ve been reading Dune and other books, but it’s slow.

Goal for this month: 1 book
Achieved this month: 0/1 (0%)
Total achieved: 8/12 (25.0%)

Do (small) courses/projects related to work

Despite using a lot of programming this month at work, I didn’t do any new course.

Goal for this month: 1 course
Achieved this month: 0/1 (0%)
Total achieved: 1/12 (8.33%)